Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) comes with an integrated method that allows people to work together on their projects using version control software called Perforce. Source Control allows users on your team to share assets and code with one another, as well as providing a backup and history of changes so any files can be rolled back to an earlier version if something went wrong with the file.
A Perforce client workspace is a set of files on a user’s machine that mirror a subset of the files in the depot. More precisely, it is a named mapping of depot files to workspace files. Use the p4 client command to create or edit a client workspace specification; invoking this command displays a form in which the user enters the information required by Perforce to maintain the workspace.
In general and mostly for historical reasons, working with assets in the Unreal Editor follows the workflow of Perforce. Files known as Assets (extension .uasset and .umap) are mainly what the Editor works with. These files are binary, so cannot be opened as text or merged in a text-based merge tool. For this reason, when working on a file the Editor will lock that file (this is known as Checking Out in Perforce nomenclature) so that other users cannot concurrently edit it. When the user is done with editing the file(s) they have locked, they check in, or commit those files, uploading the changes to the server and releasing the lock on the file.
Using Perforce with UE4
Setting up a Perforce Server on your Local Machine
To avoid potential integration issues with our tools, such as UnrealGameSync , we recommend running a case-insensitive Perforce server.
There are two ways of running the Perforce server, P4D and P4S. P4D runs while an instance of the command line is running, so it is usually only used for spot-maintenance tasks. P4S is the service-based equivalent of P4D as it allows you to run the server in the background. The service is usually installed and started when you install the Perforce server tools.
Sometimes the service does not get run automatically. To turn the service on first go into the Control Panel > Administrative Tools >Services applet. Then find the Perforce service in the list and start it:
Once the service is running, you can connect to your server using P4Admin. If this is the first connection to your server, then you can make a new user in the initial connection dialog:
Fill in the connection information for your Perforce server and press okay. Once you have connected to the server in P4Admin, you can make new depots, users, and groups pretty easily. Use P4V and the Unreal Editor to connect to the server with the credentials you supplied in the initial connection dialog.
Check out the P4Admin Documentation for more in-depth information on the ins and outs of Perforce.
Perforce Client Spec
P4 Typemap
Before you start adding files to your depot, you should set up your P4 Typemap so Perforce knows how to treat Unreal file types. Setting the typemap will affect how files get set to read only or writable inside of Perforce. However to do this, you will need to open a new command prompt and set up some p4 environment variables.
Replace the values above with your respective username and connection address. Open the typemap by entering the following in the command prompt.
You will then see a text window open; this is your server's typemap. The typemap below is an example that we have used in the past:
Once edited, save the file by pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard and then exit. The command prompt should then show Typemap saved.
Server on your Local Network
You can set up a server on your local network for people to use to collaborate with one another. To do this, follow the steps above on the server and connect using the server's name or IP from your clients.
Cloud Provider
There are various cloud providers that allow you to host Perforce servers off-site and to collaborate remotely. A quick search online for Perforce Hosting should turn up a few results. Each hosting provider is different, but all should end up with a set of credentials that you can use to connect. See also Connecting from Unreal Editor below for a note about connecting to Perforce cloud providers.
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Setting up a Local Workspace
To work with files that are under Perforce control, you will need to set up a Workspace so that the files can be managed on your local machine. You can do this via P4V by opening up the Workspaces tab in the View dropdown:
To create a new workspace, right-click in the Workspace window and select the New Workspace option. Then enter a name for your workspace and a location where you want the files to be on your local machine, the Workspace Root.
Once you have a server and a workspace, you will want to start adding files to it. For the moment, this needs to be done initially outside the Editor via P4V. If you already have a workspace that someone else has set up with some files already, you can skip ahead. When you create a new project, you can choose whether it incorporates C++ code and Blueprint elements. If you are using C++ code in your project, you will see a Source/ directory as well. You should initially add only the following directories of your project:
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Folders and files highlighted in Green should be added to your depot. The Binaries folder in Yellow is optional, depending on how your team wants to work together. It is not required if every team member is going to compile their editor/game themselves, but should be included in the initial add if any team members will just be grabbing a version from the depot to create content. Note that the server typemap setup above should mean that coders can compile their binaries without them being set to be Read-Only by Perforce.
Adding Files to Perforce
Adding files to Perforce is something that can be accomplished in the few following steps.
To add files/folders to Perforce, first select the files/folders in P4V and then right-click and select the Mark For Add option.
This will add the files to your default change list. All files that you add can be seen in the Pending change lists tab:
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To submit something, first right-click on the change list and then select Submit. Then enter a change list description and click the Submit button.
If you want to start work on a project that someone else has already started, you will need to get the latest revision from Perforce using P4V. To do this, find the project in the Depot View in P4V and then Right-click on the project you want to get and select Get Latest Revision. This will download all the files to the location you specified for your Workspace Root above.
Connecting from Unreal Editor
You can connect to your Perforce server right from the Editor by clicking on the Source Control icon on the Toolbar:
Once open, choose Perforce as the provider from the Source Control Login dialog and enter your login credentials. If you have a workspace already set up (that the current project is inside of), your login credentials should be populated automatically.
When using some servers, including many cloud providers - you may need to enter the Host and Password to access your depot from the Editor. You can do this by opening the advanced field at the bottom of the Perforce login dialog:
The Merge plugin for Perforce enables Merge to access files located within a Perforce depot. The plugin is included as a standard part of the Merge installation.
What you can do with the plugin
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Using the plugin, you can (for example) perform a folder comparison to compare the Perforce depot against your local client workspace. Alternatively, you could directly compare different branches (or the same branch at different points in time) within the depot. You could then launch file comparisons for any pairs of modified files that were of interest. This approach can work well for performing code reviews.
The plugin also enables Merge to populate the Versions button drop-down versions menu appropriately. For more information, see Comparing Text Files (or Typed/Pasted Text).
The plugin provides read-only access to the Perforce depot. To modify files within the depot, you will need to use one of the Perforce tools to open/edit/submit files.
Preparing Merge to use the plugin
Merge needs to know the path to the p4
executable on your machine. This can be configured on the Application▸SCM preference page.
Merge also needs credentials to access the Perforce servers that you use. Provide these on the Credentials preference page.
Finally, if you wish Merge to populate the Versions button drop-down versions menu with any other revisions of the files or folders you are comparing, check the Include versions from SCM systems checkbox on the the Versions preference page.
Using the Perforce plugin
To specify a file or folder within a Perforce depot, prefix the path to the depot file or folder with p4:
to form a URI.
A username, password, and database computer and port can be included in the URI, as shown in the examples below. If a Perforce URI is specified that does not specify a server, username or password (e.g. p4://depot/folder/file.txt
), Merge will use the first entry on the Credentials preference page that is marked as the default for Perforce URIs to provide the required information.
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It is possible to use *
as a password placeholder (e.g. p4://jrs:*@p4.example.com/depot/folder/file.txt
). This prevents passwords appearing visibly on the screen. In this case, the server list is checked for an entry containing a server p4.example.com and a username jrs, and the password from that entry is used to make the connection.
Note that if a username is specified, a host and port must also be provided.
URI | Description |
p4://depot/notepad | Specifies the most recent version of the folder //depot/notepad . |
p4://depot/notepad/notepad.cpp | Specifies the most recent revision of the file //depot/notepad/notepad.cpp . |
p4://depot/notepad@2000/03/23 | Specifies the folder //depot/notepad , as it was on 23 March 2000. |
p4://depot/notepad@12345 | Specifies the folder //depot/notepad , as it was at changelist 12345. |
p4://depot/notepad/notepad.cpp#43 | Specifies revision 43 of file //depot/notepad/notepad.cpp . |
p4://jrs@cat:1666/depot/notepad/notepad.cpp | As above, but logging into a Perforce database located on the host and port cat:1666 , as user jrs with no password. |
p4://jrs@cat:1666///depot/notepad/notepad.cpp | As above. The inclusion of the extra // before the depot is optional. |
p4://jrs:mypass@cat:1666/depot/notepad/notepad.cpp | As above, but specifying a password mypass . |
p4://jrs:*@cat:1666/depot/notepad/notepad.cpp | As above, but specifying that Merge should use the relevant password from the Credentials preference page. This ensures that the password is not shown on the screen or within comparison reports. |
Accessing files and folders already in your client workspace
If files or folders are already synced in your client workspace, you access them as you would any other file or folder on your hard disk. You do not need to use a p4://
URI to do so.
If the appropriate credentials have been configured on the Credentials preference page, Merge will endeavour to populate the Versions button with any older revisions of the file you are comparing.
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Integrating Merge with P4V and the Perforce command-line
P4v Client
Merge itself integrates well with Perforce. For more information, see Integrating with Source Control, Configuration Management and Other Applications.