Convert rich text documents to other formats
Gnome is a simple beat keeper for musicians. I made it because I couldn't find a usable metronome for the Mac platform. It's drummer oriented but should be usable by anyone needing to keep time. Getting Things GNOME! (gtg) OCRFeeder. Notes (bijiben) Pinpoint(archived) Planner. California(archived) Evolution. Word Processor. GNOME LaTeX (latexila) Marker ↗ Setzer ↗: LaTeX editor. Quadrapassel (Lines) Board. Aisleriot (Solitaire, sol) Tali.
With TextEdit, you can open and edit rich text documents created in other word processing apps, including Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. You can also save your documents in a different format, so they’re compatible with other apps.
Create and edit HTML documents
You don’t need a special app to write or edit HTML code—just use TextEdit. You can display HTML documents like you’d see them in a browser, or use TextEdit as a code editor.
Mark up images
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You can write or draw on images in your text files using the tools in the Markup toolbar.
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To browse the TextEdit User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page.