Disable Scroll Lock For Macos Disability

To toggle these functions on and off push any of their respective keys (either the Scroll Lock key, Num Lock key, or the Caps Lock key) once on your keyboard. Pressing the key will toggle that keyboard feature. For example, if Num Lock is turned on and you push the Num Lock key, Num Lock will be turned off, and vice versa.

Oct 15, 2019 Steps for Disable/ Enable or Turn on auto-unlock Mac Using Apple watch: macOS Mojave & Newer. Setup for Auto Unlock Mac using Apple Watch is very easy, in the case are you can’t set up or unlock your Mac Using Apple Watch. So now Read on at last of this article about Troubleshooting solutions and Prerequisite conditions to Use Smoothly. Oct 15, 2019  Steps for Disable/ Enable or Turn on auto-unlock Mac Using Apple watch: macOS Mojave & Newer. Setup for Auto Unlock Mac using Apple Watch is very easy, in the case are you can’t set up or unlock your Mac Using Apple Watch. So now Read on at last of this article about Troubleshooting solutions and Prerequisite conditions to Use Smoothly.


If you are having difficulty locating the Scroll Lock, Num Lock, or Caps Lock keys, see our keyboard definition.

What if those keys are broken or missing from my keyboard?

Disable scroll lock on mac

Some smaller keyboards, such as those that are on a laptop, don't have a Num Lock key. In other instances, the Num Lock key is broken, non-existent, or users can't find it. Luckily there is a feature in Windows called the On-Screen Keyboard that can help you out. Scroll down until you find your version of Windows, and then follow the instructions.

Windows 10


The On-Screen Keyboard in Windows 10 is a bit different than previous versions in that it doesn't have the numeric keypad (and by proxy, the Num Lock key) enabled by default. You can still toggle Scroll Lock and Caps Lock, but you'll need to enable the Num Lock key to use it.

Toggling Caps Lock and Scroll Lock

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start menu or bring you to the Start screen.
  2. Type On-Screen Keyboard and press Enter.
  3. You should see a keyboard (similar to the following image) appear on your screen.
  1. Click on Caps or ScrLk to toggle each of these features.

Toggling Num Lock

  1. Click Start, or press the Windows key.
  2. Type OSK and press Enter.
  3. An image of a keyboard should appear like the one above. Click the Options key located in the lower-right corner of the window.
  1. In the window that appears, ensure that the box next to Turn on numeric key pad is checked (A) and then click OK (B).
  1. You should now see the Num Lock key on the On-Screen Keyboard. You may use it to toggle the Num Lock function on and off.

Windows Vista, 7, and 8

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start menu or bring you to the Start screen.
  2. Type On-Screen Keyboard and press Enter.
  3. You should see a keyboard (similar to the following image) appear on your screen.
  4. Move your mouse over the desired key and click on that key to activate it.

Disable Scroll Lock For Macos Disability Free

When Scroll Lock (ScrLk), Num Lock (NumLock), or Caps Lock (Caps) are on, they key will be blue or white (as shown above with the NumLock key).

Windows XP users

Disable Scroll Lock For Macos Disability Login

  1. Click Start in the lower-right corner of the screen.
  2. Move you mouse cursor over All Programs, then Accessories, then Accessibility, then click on On-Screen Keyboard.
  3. You should see a blue keyboard appear on your screen.
  4. Move your mouse over the desired key and click on that key to activate it.

Additional information

How to disable SCROLL LOCK button?

Disable Scroll Lock On Mac

You can disable SCROLL LOCK button with Advanced Internet Kiosk.

Advanced Internet Kiosk by Softstack can disable system and function keys and key combinations. Download the program, install it and run kiosk.exe. Click the 'Disabled keys' button of the toolbar to your left. You'll see the list of the keys you can disable. Put a checkmark in a box near 'Disable... button'. You can disable all the system and function keys and key combinations on your PC. This option is, however, disabled in the Locked mode, as it needs the system to be fully rebooted to disable or enable keys. After you selected the keys to disable click Save button in the upper-left corner of the main window. The button will grey out if the changes are saved properly. download the Advanced Internet Kiosk

Advanced Internet Kiosk can Disable system and function keys and key combinations.

Disabling and Enabling Keys in Advanced Internet Kiosk

System administrators do not want users to be able to push certain key combinations as it can have serious consequences. While many key combinations do not automatically cause something bad to occur it can give users access to resources that can cause serious damage to your computer, for example, Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+ESC

Disable Scroll Lock For Macos Disability Update

WARNING: Please remember that keys are disabled and enabled system wide for all users logged in to this PC. Keys can only be disabled or enabled after a full reboot of the operating system. That is why this option is disabled in the locked mode.

In order to keep users from accessing these key combinations you can disable them within the Advanced Internet Kiosk Program. In the steps below you can check the choices that you would like disabled and in the locked state these keys will become inactive.

Tip: Please note that this screen is only available in the unlocked state. In the locked state, this screen will be disabled.

Disable Scroll Lock On Laptop

  1. Click on the Disabled Keys button on the left panel.
  2. On the right portion of the screen shown below there is a listing of all the keys that you have the option to disable.
    Click once on the box to the left of the key combination you want to disable and a check mark will be placed in the box. (Note: The process to enable a key is the same except you will want to click the box to remove the check mark.)
  3. When you have selected the buttons you want to disable you should save your changes. Click once on the Save icon on the top left corner of the screen.
    When the settings have been saved properly you will notice the icon is grayed out.

Advanced Internet Kiosk can disable system and function keys.